News & Events

News from OWOF – October 2023 Addendum

Lots happening and we wanted to make sure you notate the following items!

Indigenous People’s Day

The Indigenous People’s Day presentation is Tuesday, October 24 at 7pm at Serendipity Books! Heather Bruegl is the guest speaker. Heather is a citizen of the Oneida Nation and consults for a variety of museums and universities. She is a frequent lecturer at conferences on topics ranging from intergenerational racism and trauma to the fight for clean water in the Native community. She will update us on contemporary issues in Indian Country today. Register for the free event at



Hate Flyers Distributed in Chelsea

In case you weren’t aware, hateful, anti-semitic and anti-LGBTQ flyers were left in parts of town. The police are investigating and encourage anyone who received a flyer or has any details to contact them. Equality Chelsea, the Board of OWOF and others promptly issued a statement. It follows. The links at the end are particularly informative.

We, the undersigned, come together today to strongly condemn the recent acts of hatred and discrimination that have targeted our Jewish and LGBTQ+ neighbors. Flyers of vile, anti-Semitic and anti-LGBTQ+ propaganda were distributed this weekend here in town. It is with heavy hearts that we address the rise of anti-Semitic and anti-LGBTQ+ incidents within and around our community, and indeed across our country, acts that stand in direct contradiction to the values of love, respect, and inclusivity that we hold dear. This incident is a stark reminder that hatred and bigotry persist, even in places where we strive for acceptance and understanding.

In Chelsea, we take pride in our diverse community, where people of all backgrounds, faiths, and orientations live together in harmony. The strength of our community lies in our unity and our shared commitment to fostering an environment of love, compassion, and mutual respect. Acts of discrimination, prejudice, and hate not only harm those directly affected but also tarnish the very fabric of our community.

We call upon all residents of Chelsea and our surrounding community to join us in denouncing these recent acts and to stand together in solidarity with our Jewish and LGBTQ+ community members. Together, we can and will overcome these divisive forces. Let our unity be a beacon of hope and a testament to the strength of our community. Chelsea, Michigan will continue to stand as a place of love and acceptance, where all are welcomed and celebrated.

Your neighbors,

Equality Chelsea, One World One Family, St. Paul United Church of Christ, First United Methodist Church of Chelsea, and numerous Chelsea citizens

Chelsea Police Chief Kevin Kazyak requested any citizens who received these flyers to please call the Police Department at 475-1771. The police department is particularly interested in any details or witnesses to this distribution.

For further information on this type of propaganda, please see the following article from MSU and an information page from the Anti-Defamation League. An article recently appeared in The Sun Times News.

OWOF will continue to collect donations, on behalf of Equality Chelsea, through Nov 15, to help pay for honorariums for program speakers. If you’d like to support Equality Chelsea, checks can be made payable to OWOF and mailed to PO Box 31, Chelsea, MI 48118 or donations can be made via PayPal.
Our paypal address is @owofchelsea Thank you!

OWOF General Meeting, November 5 at 3pm.
Board Room at the WSEC. 500 Washington.

Let’s all get together to discuss current issues affecting the community, suggestions for OWOF involvement and take a minute to relax with like-minded activists.

Civility Month – November 2023

November is Civility Month in Chelsea. The Human Rights Commission has put together a series of events to explore and remember this idea. Watch for announcements in the media. OWOF will be participating by sponsoring the following Restorative Justice and Conflict Resolution event on Nov 15. Please attend. It will show your support and these are skills we need to increase in the community.

Intro to Restorative Justice and Conflict Resolution

Games and activities designed to challenge our perceptions of conflict, learn about the different approaches to conflict, and how we do (or do not!) use them in our daily lives. High School and above. No registration needed.
Sponsored by One World One Family. Wed, Nov 15, Council Chambers 5.30-7.30 pm

Please remember to check the OWOF Facebook page!
“Like” the posts so that we can get higher circulation.

A good vigil for immigrant rights. City of Chelses passed the ordinance that police and staff cannot ask about immigration status for routine stops or interactions. Sheriff Alycia Dyer declared that the Washtenaw County Sheriffs Dept will not help or house ICE detainees.

ORDINANCE REGARDING IMMIGRATION STATUS! Tuesday, January 21, 2025, the Chelsea City Council meeting will consider a second reading of the City of Chelsea Solicitation of Immigration Status Ordinance. Below is an excerpt from the ordinance language. The whole document is posted in the council package online. (See below pg 78). Please consider attending the meeting and speaking at public comment to support the ordinance. Public comment is at the very beginning of the 7:00 pm meeting or send emails to the council members directly.

Come support your neighbors and friends! The time outside will be limited!

Our latest newsletter has all the MLKJr. Day activities! Sign up for our monthly email to learn what's happening in the social justice community in our area.

A fun event with some history sprinkled in!

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