OWOF stands for One World One Family.
Our official name is The Chelsea Area One World One Family Task Force, Inc.
Mission Statement
Adopted 11/13/20
One World One Family is committed to justice and equity for all*. We work to be anti-racist and to oppose discrimination in any form. We engage and empower people to have an impact and change systems to ensure everyone can participate fully in a diverse society.
* all / “ahl” / Noun 1.The whole human family, regardless of actual or perceived age, color, disability, familial status, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, height, disability status, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, source of income, veteran status, or weight. Are you represented?
One World One Family is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. We follow all Federal and State guidelines governing charitable organizations. We have a 9-member Board of Directors that serve one-year terms. We generally meet once a month. Meeting dates and locations are posted on our Facebook page or please email us.
Our History
For many years, different groups of Chelsea residents had quietly discussed the (unfortunate) fact that Chelsea has a fairly homogeneous population, that racist attitudes were evident, and that our children were growing up without the tools to live in a diverse world. This all seemed symbolized by the fact that Chelsea had never acknowledged Martin Luther King Jr. Day even though it had been a Federal holiday since 1983.
In November 2001, a group of citizens were finally motivated to action. They organized Chelsea’s first Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration in January 2002. To everyone’s surprise and joy, over 500 people turned out.
From this beginning, OWOF has continued to grow. We have organized MLKJr. Day celebrations each year since. In 2003, we began an essay contest which we hope to continue. We have sponsored, along with the District Library, Chelsea’s Community Reads. The first year, the book was Warriors Don’t Cry by Melba Patillo Beals, who is one of the Little Rock Nine.
Joanne Ladio, President
Jane Pacheco, Vice-President
Carolyn Stilwell, Secretary
Sandra Vadlamudi, Treasurer
LeAnn Seto
Mark VanDeWege
Alex Moore
Sudha Myers

- 501(c)(3) determination
- By-Laws
- Mission & Guidelines
- Tax documents
- Board member expectations
- State Corporate License Form
- Board agendas and minutes