OWOF Summer Get-Together
Join us on August 18 at Pierce Park, 6pm – 8pm
We can actually get together in person! We’ll have the fixings for ice-cream sundaes and have a chance to meet up with like-minded friends and maybe make a few new ones.
There will be a short business meeting at 7pm to share survey results and to identify folks interested in the different Action Topics that came out of the survey. Hope to see you there!
Please sign up to bring items for our summer event! Here’s the link to a Sign-up Genius. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050a4ca4aa5-owof
Donations are definitely appreciated. However, if you would like to be reimbursed, please bring the item and the receipt! Sandra Vadlamudi, our treasurer, can make sure you are paid back. Please sign up if you are able! Thanks!
Restorative Justice Article in The Sun Times
Our Restorative Justice team has placed the last in a series of articles in The Sun Times. This one is in the most recent issue, page 11. We hope to have them all available on the website soon.
School Board Elections – Campaigns Launch
Keep an eye on the upcoming School Board Elections on the Nov 8 ballot. One World One Family is committed to seeing the efforts of the Diversity, Equity, Belonging and Inclusion Committee continued and supported by the Board of Education. We will be posting candidate responses and statements and reinforcing some of the critical issues in the campaigns. With a new Superintendent in place and the majority of the Board up for election, this is a critical time to pay attention!
Thank you for your time and attention. Stay engaged!
Your OWOF Team