Annual Diversity Calendar



New Year's Day
Global Family Day/World Peace Day
World Braille Day
19 World Religion Day
20 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
23 World Freedom Day
25 Chinese New Year
26 International Customs Day
27 International Holocaust Remembrance


All Month American History Month
All Month Black History Month
All Month Canadian History Month
All Month Human Relations Month
14 St. Valentine's Day
15 Nirvana Day
19 Presidents Day
20 World Day of Social Justice
25 Mardi Gras
26 Ash Wednesday


All Month Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
All Month Greek-American Heritage Month
All Month Gender Equality Month
All Month Irish-American Heritage Month
All Month Ethnic Equality Month
All Month National Women's History Month
All Month National Multiple Sclerosis Education and Awareness Month
8 International Women's Day
8 United Nations Day for Women's Rights and International Peace
9–10 Purim
11 World Day of Muslim Culture, Peace, Dialogue and Film
14 Pi Day
16 St. Urho Day
17 St. Patrick's Day
21 International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
21 World Down Syndrome Day
21 Naw-Ruz (Baha'i New Year)
25 International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade
31 Advisor Appreciation Day
31 Equal Pay Day


All Month Community Service Month
All Month Earth Month
All Month Autism Awareness Month
All Month Arab-American Heritage Month
All Month Tartan (Scottish-American) Heritage Month
All Month Celebrate Diversity Month
2 World Autism Awareness Day
7 International Day of Reflection on the Genocide in Rwanda
8–16 Passover
11 National Day of Silence
12 Easter
15 Youth Homelessness Matters Day
20 First Day of Ridvan—Festival of Ridvan
20–21 Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah)
22 Earth Day
29 The Ninth Day of Ridvan


All Month National Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
All Month Haitian Heritage Month
All Month Indian Heritage Month
All Month Jewish-American Heritage Month
All Month Mental Health Month
All Month South Asian Heritage Month
All Month Personal History Awareness Month
All Month Speech and Hearing Awareness Month
All Month Older Americans Month
2 The Twelfth Day of Ridvan
4 Star Wars Day
5 Cinco de Mayo
8 Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation for those who Lost their Lives during WWII
21 World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development
22 International Day for Biological Diversity
23 Declaration of the Bab in Shiraz, Shavuot
24 Ramadan Begins
25 Memorial Day
29 Ascension of Bahau'llah


All Month National Caribbean American Heritage Month
All Month AIDS Awareness Month
All Month LGBT Pride Month
All Month Black Music Month
8 Race Unity Day
12 Loving Day
19 Juneteenth


All Month French-American Heritage Month
4 Independence Day
4 Filipino-American Friendship Day
9 The Martyrdom of the Bab
11 World Population Day
24 Pioneer Day
26 Americans with Disabilities Act Signed "Disability Independence Day"
29–30 Tisha B'Av


All Month National Civility Month
9 International Day of the World’s Indigenous People
13 International Lefthanders Day
19 World Humanitarian Day
23 International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition
26 Women’s Equality Day


All Month Hispanic Heritage Month
All Month National Guide Dog Month
7 Labor Day
11 Patriot Day
12 National Native American Day
15 International Day of Democracy
16 Mexican Independence Day
18–20 Rosh Hashanah
19 International Talk Like a Pirate Day
21 International Day of Peace
26 European Languages Day
27–28 Yom Kippur
27 World Tourism Day


All Month Bullying Prevention Month
All Month Domestic Violence Awareness Month
All Month Down Syndrome Awareness Month
All Month Family History Month
All Month Filipino-American Heritage Month
All Month Italian-American Heritage Month
All Month LGBT History Month
All Month National Disability Employment Awareness Month
All Month National German Heritage Month (Sept. 15-Oct. 15)
All Month National Work and Family Month
All Month Polish-American Heritage Month
International Day of Non-Violence
2–9 Sukkot
German American Heritage Day
10 World Mental Health Day
11 National Coming Out Day
15 White Cane Safety Day
16 Spirit Day–Anti Bullying
17 International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
18 Women in Military Service for America Memorial Anniversary
19 World Humanitarian Action Day
20 Birth of the Bab in Shiraz
22 International Stuttering Awareness Day
31 Halloween
31 Day of the Dead


All Month National Native American Heritage Month
All Month National American Indian & Alaska Native Heritage Month
11 Veterans Day/Armistice Day
12 Birth of Baha'u'llah
13 World Kindness Day
16 International Day for Tolerance
17 International Students' Day
20 Transgender Day of Remembrance
26 Thanksgiving


All Month Universal Human Rights Month
World AIDS Day
International Day for People with Disability
10 International Human Rights Day
10–18 Hanukkah
20 International Human Solidarity Day
25 Christmas
26–1 Kwanzaa
31 New Year's Eve


Our latest newsletter has all the MLKJr. Day activities! Sign up for our monthly email to learn what's happening in the social justice community in our area.

A fun event with some history sprinkled in!

TIME TO CONNECT AND REFLECT!! Saturday, Nov 30. 9-11am. Room 115 WSEC Let's get together over coffee and bagels before the holiday season starts in earnest. We need to pick up the pieces from the election and see where we are - individually and as a caring social justice organization. Let's start the conversation and help each other. Eventually, we'll want to get to some sort of action so we'll see what develops. Coffee, tea and bagels provided!

EQUALITY CHELSEA is observing Transgender Day of Remembrance on Wednesday, November 20th at 6:00 pm on the north lawn at St. Paul United Church of Christ (14600 Old 12). We are invited to this solemn, yet inspired time of vigil. This brief, but meaningful vigil will be led by Rev. Eric Stricklin and Joanna Whaley.

It's Indigenous Peoples Day! To learn more, check out this link: #IndigenousPeoplesDay

Final discussion - no need to have participated in the first two. Join us!

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