This past school year the Chelsea Schools Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) committee approved a list of books they hoped to share with their students—books which would underscore the themes of equity/inclusion and the community value of celebrating human difference. Chelsea Area One World One Family (OWOF) was happy to donate books to the schools based on their selections. In the words of one Chelsea Schools administrator:
“I wanted to share that the preschool received, ‘I Am Enough’ from the OWOF donations, and they already read it to their classes! One of the teachers sent me a picture of two students who were swinging and saying, “Like the bird, I’m here to fly and soar over everything.” She heard them say, “Let’s fly like the girl in the book,” and “flew” on their swings. Here’s to many more mirror/window books that help our students see the world and fly!”

With the start of its 20th program year, Chelsea Area OWOF is very much looking forward to supporting Chelsea in many more new “flights” like this one.
Plans for the coming year include:
- Continuing to sponsor Community Dialogue on Police Reform and to help offer resources to better understand the complexity of this important issue
- Sponsor Indigenous People’s Land Acknowledgement Day on October 11
- Sponsor community activities aimed at understanding racism and actively working to make Chelsea a welcoming community
- Support the schools Diversity, Equity & Inclusion efforts
- Continue activities to share the principles of Restorative Justice
- Promote the United Way 21-Day Equity challenge and provide a Chelsea discussion opportunity
- Continue our ML King Jr. Day tradition – OWOF has organized the Chelsea celebration of Dr. King every year since 2002.
- Update our website ( as a resource for anti-racism and social justice articles, books and activities
This past August OWOF adopted a new Mission/Vision Statement:
One World One Family is committed to justice and equity for all*. We work to be anti-racist and to oppose discrimination in any form. We engage and empower people to have an impact and change systems to ensure everyone can participate fully in a diverse society.
* all / “ahl” / Noun 1.The whole human family, regardless of actual or perceived age, color, disability, familial status, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, height, disability status, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, source of income, veteran status, or weight. Are you represented? Adopted 11/13/21
OWOF’s 9-member board is very proud of the group’s recent work. Actions and activities this past year include:
- Sponsored the June 4, 2020 Rally in support of #Black Lives Matter.
- Encouraged citizen engagement in City Council Listening Sessions and Council meetings discussing police reform.
- Sponsored a GoFundMe campaign to help defray the costs of the citations issued for marchers/protestors who were ticketed and had paid their tickets prior to the court’s dismissal of tickets.
- Organized the 2020 MLK Jr. Day of Service and Social Action.
- Created the 2020 Peace Dove Tree for the Chelsea Festival of Lights.
- Housing Action Group worked to include greater diversity and accessibility for all into the new City of Chelsea Zoning Ordinance.
- StoryBank Action Group organized to collect community testimonials.
- Sponsored presentations on Restorative Justice.
- Offered the Calling In/Calling Out event to learn how to have Courageous Conversations.
- Community book discussion of “Building a Movement to End the New Jim Crow – An Organizing Guide” and learning together how to build campaigns to make change.
- Offered Stand Together Against Hate yard signs.
OWOF invites everyone to learn more by joining their email/newsletter list and/or follow on Facebook at
to stay informed with OWOF activities. To join, email