OWOF Summer Get-Together
Join us on Aug 18 at Pierce Park. 6pm – ?
It’s time to actually get together in person! We can enjoy a beautiful summer evening with ice cream sundaes and let the kids run around. We’ll have a short meeting at 7 pm, share the results of the community survey in more detail, but mostly have a chance to meet like-minded friends and activists.
Strategic Planning Group for Community Policing – Apply to Help!
This is an opportunity to be part of a small group with an important mission – and to really make a difference. The Strategic Planning Group for Community Policing is forming. The initial Public Safety Task Force completed its work and provided a plan to move forward with police reform in Chelsea. That plan includes:
- Creating a Strategic Planning Group to begin to implement the recommendations the Task Force provided.
- Hiring a Subject Matter Expert to guide the Planning Group. City Council provided a budget for this SME.
- The Planning Group to assess and make plans to implement all the recommendations of the Task Force, particularly the creation of a Citizen’s Oversight Board and addressing the policy reforms that the Bobcat Report called high-risk.
The Planning Group will have five community members. You need to live in the City but there are no other requirements. Check out the full task force report and the strategic planning group application. Please consider joining this group! Thoughtful, caring individuals are needed!
Chelsea School District Board of Education
Have you ever considered running for school board? Do you want to make a difference in the lives of our children? Teachers and administrators have been working hard to support our children and they need the support of community members to continue the work of the Diversity Belonging Equity & Inclusion Statement and to ensure that the needs of all students are addressed.
If you will consider running, please contact us. Many great resources are also available to help! The Michigan Association of School Boards hosts comprehensive web resources on a page called Get on Board! Their website includes a downloadable 30 page toolkit about the roles and responsibilities of board members as well as other resources like videos and virtual town hall info sessions.
The filing deadline to get on the November ballot is July 26.
July 14 – OWOF Table at Sounds & Sights
Can you help staff the OWOF table? We can do 30 minute shifts if you want to be able to hear the music, too. The tables are near Palmer Ford. Set up is at 6pm and we’ll be there till 8:30. We’ll have brochures, our OWOF pins and a newsletter signup. This is a great opportunity for the public to see us and to ask any questions. We found at the EXPO in April that people are interested in getting more information. Please email owofchelsea@gmail.com if you can take a shift.
Recent Events
- End Gun Violence Vigil – The Chelsea City Council passed a resolution on May 16 to declare June 3 as Gun Violence Awareness Day. Community members wore orange, painted the rock, and gathered to read the City proclamation on June 3. Help make this an annual event and an everyday effort!
- Chelsea Pride Parade – The June 4 parade and picnic marked the 6th annual event for our community.
- Juneteenth – 2022 is the 2nd year for Juneteenth to be recognized as a national holiday. Ypsilanti held a festival on June 18 & 19th that OWOF helped to advertise. Turnout was great and we expect this celebration and commemoration events to increase every year!
Results of Community Focus Survey
We recently performed a survey to find out what areas people think OWOF should focus on. Thanks to all who completed the survey! We got 98 responses, mostly from those living in Chelsea. The top 3 areas of focus selected were respectful community discourse, Chelsea affordable housing, and supporting LGBTQIA+. We look forward to sharing the full report soon and mark your calendar now for the August in person gathering (see above)!
Thank you for your time and attention. Stay engaged!
Your OWOF Team