News & Events

News from OWOF – July 2022

Hi all,

This is coming to you as an email, not our usual newsletter, since we have some date-sensitive items.

Monday, July 18: Vote on an important housing coalition.

City Council was recently invited to join the Washtenaw Urban County, an association of regional government entities committed to creating housing and economic opportunities, especially for low- to moderate-income residents. Members of the coalition receive direct allocations from federal programs rather than competing individually for the funds. Most of the government entities in our area are part of the coalition. The vote to join the Urban County is on the agenda for the July 18 Council meeting.

OWOF has long supported affordable housing as a way of increasing diversity of all kinds in our community. We were active in the new zoning plan that increases the opportunity for more housing units. This is another opportunity aimed at funds for housing. We also know that most of the housing projects in our area are not within the City of Chelsea and this encourages increased cooperation with the wider area.

Positive support statements in public comment at 7pm on July 18 would help to make this a reality! The agenda item is here for more information.

Friday, August 5: Deadline to apply for the Community Public Safety Strategic Planning Group.

This group is the successor to the Public Safety Task Force. This new group will develop the plan to reform the Chelsea Police Department. They will be assisted by a facilitator / Subject Matter Expert trained in this task. This is an important group and will be looking at key areas of reform, particularly a Citizen Oversight body and complaint procedures. The new Police Chief (hiring underway), a City Council person and (5) community members will form this agile, focused group. Other than being a resident of the City, there are no other restrictions to applying for the group.

Please consider joining. Individuals concerned about fair and equitable policing (like OWOF supporters) are essential to this group’s success. Info and application link is here.

Thursday, August 18: OWOF Summer Get-Together.

More details to come but save the date. 6pm at the Pierce Park Pavilion. We’ll enjoy ice-cream, hear what’s going on, and meet like-minded folks!

Thank you for your time. Stay engaged!
Your OWOF Team

Our latest newsletter has all the MLKJr. Day activities! Sign up for our monthly email to learn what's happening in the social justice community in our area.

A fun event with some history sprinkled in!

TIME TO CONNECT AND REFLECT!! Saturday, Nov 30. 9-11am. Room 115 WSEC Let's get together over coffee and bagels before the holiday season starts in earnest. We need to pick up the pieces from the election and see where we are - individually and as a caring social justice organization. Let's start the conversation and help each other. Eventually, we'll want to get to some sort of action so we'll see what develops. Coffee, tea and bagels provided!

EQUALITY CHELSEA is observing Transgender Day of Remembrance on Wednesday, November 20th at 6:00 pm on the north lawn at St. Paul United Church of Christ (14600 Old 12). We are invited to this solemn, yet inspired time of vigil. This brief, but meaningful vigil will be led by Rev. Eric Stricklin and Joanna Whaley.

It's Indigenous Peoples Day! To learn more, check out this link: #IndigenousPeoplesDay

Final discussion - no need to have participated in the first two. Join us!

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