News & Events

News from OWOF – April 2024

One World One Family
April 2024 Newsletter

“How wonderful that no one need wait a single moment to improve the world.” – Anne Frank
Please share this newsletter to friends and family you think might be interested in the social justices issues that OWOF covers in Western Washtenaw County. To be added to our newsletter list, please contact

Chelsea Expo a Success!

OWOF had a table at the EXPO again this year. We were pleased with the traffic in our non-profit area and have new people on our newsletter list. Welcome to you if you’re receiving this
for the first time!



Public Safety Strategic Plan Approved by City Council

This should be a community-wide celebration as an example of citizen-led protests that became new policies. From the summer of 2020 to the spring of 2024 has been alot of hard work from many concerned citizens including two citizen-committees, the Mayor and Council, and the new Police Chief. We should all be grateful and proud of this community. Here’s a link to the Plan and a good summary from MLive here.

Next steps include the appointment of a Strategic Plan Implementation Group to help keep track of goals and initiatives of the strategic plan and help with a regular report out process to City Council. See the application process here if you are interested in the at-large community representative seat.

What to do with the housing crisis?

May 2 – WWRAG* Housing Meeting – Representatives from MSHDAA (State of MI) Region K will give updates on the MI Statewide Housing Plan and regional goals. Additional topics will include learning more about Michigan Senate (SB13 of 2021) and House (HB4116) Community Capital Campaigns that would provide a first-in-the-nation income tax credit equal to 50% of any investment made in any Michigan business by Michigan residents. (*Western Washtenaw Regional Advisory Group)
Public meeting 7pm at the WAVE offices at 12172 Jackson Road

City of Chelsea Planning Commissioner TWO Open Seats – this directly affects housing! Application available online here.

For more information on any meeting, contact OWOF.


April 30 & May 7 Re-entering Society with a Criminal Record
10 – noon @ Chelsea Senior Center One in three American adults have a criminal record. This is partly the result of our country’s mass incarceration efforts over the past 50 years. How should we as a society respond to people with criminal records? How do we maintain public safety and provide a path forward for those returning to our communities? This class will talk about the challenges of having a criminal record, and living in a society with many justice-impacted individuals.
ALI Class. Register at first class. $27.50

May 17 – Washtenaw Equity Challenge starts again. More info soon.

June 1 – Pride parade, picnic, speakers – Equality MI see flyer for more details

Juneteenth – OWOF and Chelsea Human Rights Commission commemorate with details forthcoming, Interested in helping to plan?

August 15 – OWOF Book Discussion – We are planning a book discussion around The RIghteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt. It is attracting new attention as we approach an election cycle. We’ll have more info in May but mark your calendars for August 15. In-person and hybrid.

Sept 12 – Conflict Management & Difficult conversations – Carolyn Stillwell

TBD – Upcoming Town Hall about Public Safety/Mental Health Millage

Regional Activism and Solidarity – Rural DEI

Organized by the Livingston Diversity Council, a group of area social-justice groups are committed to meeting regularly to share projects and ideas and offer each other support. The first two meetings have included OWOF and Equality Chelsea locally as well as groups from Livingston, Saline, DeWitt, Ferndale and Rochester. Ideas? Comments? Let us know your interest!
Next meeting will be via zoom on Sunday, May 19 @ 7pm.

Please consider a donation to help OWOF sponsor important programs and discussions in our community. Click here for online or mail in donation instructions. Thank you very much! Your financial support helps keep social justice matters on the radar!

Please remember to check the OWOF Facebook page!
“Like” the posts so that we can get higher circulation.
Otherwise, go to our website. You can see our Facebook posts there.

A good vigil for immigrant rights. City of Chelses passed the ordinance that police and staff cannot ask about immigration status for routine stops or interactions. Sheriff Alycia Dyer declared that the Washtenaw County Sheriffs Dept will not help or house ICE detainees.

ORDINANCE REGARDING IMMIGRATION STATUS! Tuesday, January 21, 2025, the Chelsea City Council meeting will consider a second reading of the City of Chelsea Solicitation of Immigration Status Ordinance. Below is an excerpt from the ordinance language. The whole document is posted in the council package online. (See below pg 78). Please consider attending the meeting and speaking at public comment to support the ordinance. Public comment is at the very beginning of the 7:00 pm meeting or send emails to the council members directly.

Come support your neighbors and friends! The time outside will be limited!

Our latest newsletter has all the MLKJr. Day activities! Sign up for our monthly email to learn what's happening in the social justice community in our area.

A fun event with some history sprinkled in!

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