The 2023 Chelsea’s Martin Luther King Jr. Days of Service and Social Action are scheduled for January 9-21, 2023. Many community groups in Chelsea, Michigan have organized activities and events for these two weeks to recall the spirit of Dr. King toward service and community involvement. Community members are encouraged to participate in as many activities as they can and to keep track of their work on Challenge Cards. Anyone who completes a row on the card will receive a certificate and small token.
The co-sponsors of this year’s events are One World One Family, The Chelsea District Library, Chelsea Rotary and the Chelsea Human Rights Commission. Michigan Municipal League Foundation has provided a $500 Bridge Builder’s grant toward program expenses.
Download the Challenge Card Download the event poster
Challenge Cards
Challenge Cards will be available in early January at the Chelsea District Library, City Council offices or at participating businesses. They can also be downloaded here. The Challenge Cards will include the activity details. Completed cards can be turned in at the the library, brought to the closing event, or by email to
A Closing Event for the Days of Service and Social Action will be held on Sunday, January 22 at 3:30pm at the Library. This event will include a dramatic reading of Dr. King’s I Have a Dream Speech and presentation of the awards for completed Challenge Cards.
Activities and Events
Events and activities include the following:
- Youth Essay Contest sponsored by Chelsea Kiwanis. For Grades 1-12 with topics specified by age group. Essays or art due on January 20th. Details from each school office or get info here
- Storyteller as Coretta Scott King at the Chelsea District Library on January 16 at 2pm. In the McKune Room – no registration necessary. Sponsored by the Chelsea District Library.
- Celebrating Diversity Through Food Intergenerational Workshop – Friday, January 13 at 3.30pm. In the WSEC Cafeteria. Join us for an exploration of foods from across the world. Using the readily available ingredients of chicken, garlic, onion, and bell peppers, we’ll cook and taste recipes from Thailand, Louisiana, Mexico, and more! We’ll also chat about some ubiquitous foods from around the world that are different yet similar. People of all ages are welcome. This is intended as an intergenerational experience.
Please call 734-475-9242 to let us know you plan to stop by so we have enough for all to enjoy.
Sponsored by the Chelsea Senior Center. - Making blankets for refugees No-Sew Blankets. Blanket kits provided or bring your own. Monday, January 16, 10am-noon. First United Methodist Church. Sponsored by Material Girls.
- Decorating cards and Valentines for Seniors. Join us or drop off what you’ve made at home. Monday, January 16, 10am-noon. First United Methodist Church. Sponsored by Material Girls.
- Learn about City Government – Reception with City officials and tours of Chelsea City Hall. January 16, 3.30pm. Chelsea City Council Chambers. Sponsored by the City of Chelsea.
- Collection for Faith-In-Action Organized by Orchid Orthopedics Donate non-food items such as children’s diapers, hygiene products, toilet paper, paper towels, shampoo, tooth paste, tooth brushes, deodorant and house cleaning supplies. More info here
- Collection for Safe House – Organized by Silver Maples Donate non-food items such as children’s diapers, hygiene products, toilet paper, paper towels, shampoo, tooth paste, tooth brushes, deodorant and house cleaning supplies. More info here
- CLARA Training – How to engage nonviolently in difficult conversations through this 5 step process, facilitated by Layla Ananda of Deep Peace Consulting. Monday, Jan 16, 6-7.30pm in City Council Chambers. Sponsored by One World One Family. RSVP to
- Social Movement Interviews – Compiling Local History. Ongoing activity to interview family, neighbors or friends. Discussion session to share stories and experiences. January 22, 2-3.30pm Chelsea District Library Sponsored by the Chelsea Human Rights Commission. Interview Guidelines here
- Activism Movie: Berkeley in the Sixties. Saturday., Jan 21 @ 2pm. Dancey House Theater at United Methodist Retirement Center (CRC). Sponsored by the UMRC Diversity Plus Group.
- Movie about Dr. King and discussion on discrimination. At St. Louis Center Thursday, January 19 at 6:00 p.m. Discussion led by students from Chelsea High School Key Club (Kiwanis Service Club) and Interact (Rotary Service Club).
- Washtenaw Reads – Join in the reading of Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid, a page turning and big hearted story about race and privilege (set around a young black babysitter, her well intentioned employer, and a surprising connection that threatens them both). Pick up a copy at the library. Discussions and author events to be held in February. Sponsored by the Chelsea District Library. Extra copies for community use donated to the Library by One World One Family. More info here and
Contact info:
Joanne Ladio
Carolyn Stilwell