News & Events

Feedback Survey – We Need Your Input!

One World One Family is asking for input on social justice issues of importance to the community. OWOF has released an on-line survey to gather feedback on some specific areas of concern. There are nine topics presented with the opportunity to suggest others.

With police reform activities underway and numerous activities accomplished this last year, OWOF would like to take this time to reflect and plan and maybe open new doors. We would also like to encourage others to become involved and find areas they feel strongly about.

The link to the survey is here. It takes about 5 minutes to complete. OWOF Board members are committed to put the feedback to good use! The survey will be open until May 15. After the survey is reviewed, OWOF will have a public open membership meeting and will encourage everyone to attend. We hope this will be the first of many membership events.

In the two years since the June 4 Rally to Support #BlackLivesMatter, One World One Family has dedicated itself to justice and equity for all. Our mission includes anti-racism and opposing discrimination in any form, and we are working to empower people to change systems so everyone can participate fully in a diverse society.

For more information about OWOF and learn how to get involved, please email us at or connect with us on Facebook at

PART 2 - SEPTEMBER 15 @ 7pm

This is an important issue to understand! Notice the online option.

The Community Read on The Righteous Mind is on Thursday, Aug 15 at 7pm on Zoom. Here is a Chelsea Update article with the zoom link. Want to participate but don't have time to get the book? Here is a great video with the author that explains the major ideas. 45 minute but you can just listen.

Here’s info and Zoom link for the Community Book Discussion.

What is Disability Pride Month?

July is Disability Pride month!

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