News & Events

2021 Multicultural and Diversity Calendar

The Chelsea Area Chamber of Commerce has published a DEI Statement and definition on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion page on their website page. They summarized DEI as follows:

Diversity includes the ways in which people differ, characteristics that define groups. Diversity is used to identify race, ethnicity, gender, age, national origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, education, marital status, language, and physical appearance. The definition may also include diversity of ideas, perspectives, and values.

Equity is about equalizing the barriers some groups come up against. The practice of equity involves understanding justice and fairness and eliminating barriers. Understand equity issues requires an unbiased view of disparities within our society.

Inclusion is the act of creating an environment for any individual or group to feel welcomed, respected, supported, and valued. An inclusive and welcoming climate embraces differences and offers respect in words and actions for all people.
While an inclusive group is generally diverse, a diverse group isn’t always inclusive. Recognizing this possibility and committing to inclusivity is vital for the prosperity of all people.

Their list of multicultural holidays and diversity observances can be found here:

Thank you to the Chamber for providing this resource for our community!

A good vigil for immigrant rights. City of Chelses passed the ordinance that police and staff cannot ask about immigration status for routine stops or interactions. Sheriff Alycia Dyer declared that the Washtenaw County Sheriffs Dept will not help or house ICE detainees.

ORDINANCE REGARDING IMMIGRATION STATUS! Tuesday, January 21, 2025, the Chelsea City Council meeting will consider a second reading of the City of Chelsea Solicitation of Immigration Status Ordinance. Below is an excerpt from the ordinance language. The whole document is posted in the council package online. (See below pg 78). Please consider attending the meeting and speaking at public comment to support the ordinance. Public comment is at the very beginning of the 7:00 pm meeting or send emails to the council members directly.

Come support your neighbors and friends! The time outside will be limited!

Our latest newsletter has all the MLKJr. Day activities! Sign up for our monthly email to learn what's happening in the social justice community in our area.

A fun event with some history sprinkled in!

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